Reinvention in my grocery store?

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2021


I love love love finding a good reinvention story. I hunt for them everywhere: in books, articles, at professional conferences. I roam social media searching for them with the tenacity of Indiana Jones in pursuit of ancient treasures.

So, imagine how excited I was to find a reinvention story in a grocery aisle while shopping for toothpaste.

Behold, a reinvented deodorant!



Here's what's new: traditional deodorants are packaged in single-use plastic, which goes to the trash at the end of use.

The new reinvented deodorant comes with a stainless steel case, which you can use your entire life with different refills - the refills are packaged in recycled plastic.

Essentially, this turns your deodorant into a subscription - increasing consumer loyalty while offering new value to the consumers looking to limit their ecological footprint.

This kind of plus-plus solution is exactly what makes for a good reinvention story - and even if you are not in the deodorant business, it can offer you new questions for deep insights.

Here are some questions that came up for me:

  • What new expectations from our customers I might not be paying enough attention to? What do my customers need that I currently do not offer?

  • What can I remove from my products and services, and what should I add? And when it comes to personal reinvention, what should I remove from my life - and what should I add?

  • Is there room for a subscription model in my business? Is there something that would bring more value to customers and our company if we turn it into a subscription?

Now, want more reinvention ideas and pragmatic insights? We have plenty in this free 85-page preview of "The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos" - download here>>>

Have a reinvention story that inspired you lately? Head to our private Facebook group and share.

We are on a mission to bring reinvention skills to 1 billion people so that we can all ride the waves of change rather than get crushed by them. The Handbook is one easy way to get into reinvention - so share it far and wide.




Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.

Want to join our amazing reinvention community? Grab this FREE 85-page preview of my new book, and you are in:

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