Oct 22, 2019

 It’s time for some real talk.

But first, let me set the stage.

I first asked this question during an Executive MBA course I was teaching about a decade ago.

The room was filled with experienced professions who really had some mileage behind them.

So, imagine my surprise, when my question was met with absolute I-don’t-know-what-to-say silence.

No, I was not asking about anything private, weird, or inappropriate.

All I asked was this:


What value have you created last week?

Not your company. Not your business unit. You.

Simple question, right?

So it’s so remarkable how many of us have trouble with the answer.

We adore our product and services, we love or hate our processes, we celebrate or cry over our financial results… But value… That seems very abstract.


Yet, without a real grasp of value creation, reinvention is not possible – it’s all about new and improved ways of creating value.

And that’s...

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