Dealing With Uncertainty? This Helps.

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2020


Last week I asked you whether or not we should host another free virtual Reinvention Summit - to come together at one point in time, to share energy, and to get ready for an unpredictable fall.

The answer from the community was a strong and clear YES, so big thanks for responding and sharing your ideas.

We'll work on making this happen in the coming weeks, but until then, I have a special gift for you.

Our Spring 2020 Reinvention Summit spanned over 2 weeks to explore a deep question: How can we use COVID-19 as an invitation to reflect, rethink, and reinvent?

The program spanned over many sessions, but we were not able to share the last day replays as Zoom was having technical issues and the final day recordings got "corrupted."

Surprise: We now have the final videos, and today I want to share the insights from the amazing leadership master and author of "Helping People Change" Dr. Ellen Van Oosten (USA) on coaching with compassion in times of uncertainty:

We started this session by exploring key elements of reinvention as a system and then looked at Ellen's REACH framework for creating an intentional partnership for changing.

Why does this matter?

If we are not in a good place, if we are not taken care of, then we are not able to sustain the energy needed to deal with the marathon of uncertainty and upheaval that the world is experiencing right now.

So, watch, share, and let us know in our private Facebook group, Reinvention Society, what kind of questions and prompts you are using today to coach yourself, your family, and your team through these remarkable months.




Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.

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