250 Brave Volunteers Needed

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2020


As COVID-19 continues to invite change and disruption into our world, I send you and yours my warmest regards.

Here, in our virtual reinvention land, we continue to work on REINVENTION SUMMIT replays with Day 6 still to be produced - soon, I promise. Internet troubles botched the recording for Day 3, but 4 full days of recordings and materials are waiting for you here>>>

A surprising and ironic thing happened to me while working on the SUMMIT, but first I need to give you a background story.

For many years, our global tribe has been working on bringing mindset, toolset, and skillset of reinvention to the masses. 

In 2019 alone, we served more than 86,000 people with mostly free materials, articles, videos, workshops, and reinvention labs - and made a huge effort to bring a tool-filled accessible filled-tested book to the masses.

The problem? Nobody wanted to publish our book.

Time after time, we got the same response: that reinvention is not "hot" enough, that there is no crisis on the horizon, that nobody needs to prepare for change, that an exercise-filled illustrated book will not sell.

So, we went on to publish our "baby" digitally to bring the ideas and tools to as many people as possible by ourselves.

Fast forward to March 19th, and as the scale of COVID-19 disruption became more clear, we got a message from a publisher saying that our book is desperately needed.

What's its title?

“Titanic Syndrome: Why Companies Sink and How To Reinvent Your Way Out if Any Business Disaster.”

Isn't it ironic?

So, we thought we finally won the battle, that the need for reinvention (of how we live, work, collaborate, and flourish) is painfully obvious to all. But there is a catch.

The publisher is still not convinced - and wants to strip the book of everything that we think makes it really useful - the crowd-testing of ideas, the worksheets, the tools built right in...

So, we made a deal with our publisher.

"Give us 10 days to get 250 people who will vote with their wallets to prove to you that these tools matter, that this movement matters, that reinvention can and will become the fundamental skill of the 21st century."

So, today I am writing to you in search of 250 brave volunteers.

We need your support.

[Good news: since we made an announcement about this challenge on Tuesday, we already have 33 AMAZING supporters, so the actual number we are fighting for is a bit lower. If you are one of these supporters, our ENDLESS thank you for standing with us!!!]

Inspired by many crowd-funding campaigns, we decided to offer you 4 different levels of support - but instead of promising you only some future 'maybe' products, we want to give you something valuable and powerful immediately:

Here are the options to choose from:

OPTION 1: Support with $5

It may seem like nothing to some, but for us AND the publishing industry, this is a huge sign that reinvention matters.

Support this challenge with $5 and we'll make sure to thank you with "behind the scenes" updates and insights along with adding your name to the acknowledgment section of the book. 

OPTION 2: Support with $20

We don't want you to wait months or years - support us with $20 today and we will immediately send you a 133-page digital book "Titanic Syndrome: Why Companies Sink and How to Reinvent Your Way Out of Any Business Disaster" - along with thanks and formal acknowledgment in the new book.

OPTION 3: Support with $100

Ever since COVID-19 evolved into a global crisis, we got many requests to create a short powerful workshop on how to reinvent in the time of crisis.

What exercises can we run right now? How do we mobilize our team or clients? What does an immediate crisis-focused reinvention algorithm look like?

Support us with $100 and in addition to all of the gifts above, you'll also get an invitation to a hands-on 3-day live virtual workshop "Reinventing in the Time of Crisis" held on April 23-25, 2020 - with recordings and workbooks to use at any time.

We created this workshop with all new and fresh materials that particularly tailored to today's uncertain and volatile reality - and combines a whole suite of tools from different proven methodologies. 

We are very excited to offer it at such a low price - and hope you can use the tools immediately for your business or that of your clients.

OPTION 4: Support us with $1,000

I know it's a stretch - but just in case some of you are looking for a 4-hour reinvention session designed and delivered just for you (and/or your team, your client, your community), support us with $1,000 and we will build something around your own needs.

BONUS OPTION 5: Support us by sharing this challenge with others

All of us are going through a time of extreme uncertainty and money may not be easily available right now.

Your vote of confidence and endorsement in a form of sharing this challenge website on your social media channels, via email, WhatsApp or any other platform would be an incredible honor for me, my team, and our entire global reinvention community.

For the last few weeks, I've had this persistent feeling that this is the time. This is the call.

That all those years of work preparing the tools, developing solutions, supporting endless organizations and individuals with our free content was all there to bring us to this moment.

Now it is time to make reinvention EVERYBODY's super-power. All we need is your support.




Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva helps companies such as Coca-Cola, Kohler, and IBM turn change and disruption into an opportunity.

Want to join this amazing reinvention community? Grab one of our free resources and you are in: https://www.learn2reinvent.com/freetools


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