It happens when you bring about your own downfall due to inability to adapt to change

Read each statement below. On a scale from 0 to 5, zero being "This is nothing like our company", and five being "This is 100% our company", assess the relevance of each statement for your organization.
01 Our company gets insights and warnings from the same sources (for example, suppliers, customers, professional magazines, etc.) and rarely go out of my comfort zone in soliciting information from unusual sources.
02 Other employees and I are rarely asked to share insights and reflections on potential threats, disruptions or opportunities to our business.
03 When our company gets insights and warnings about potential disruptions, they are shared with a very small group of people .
04 In our company we usually start reacting when we are pressed by an unfolding crisis, rather than anticipate possible threat or opportunity and respond proactively.
05 We don’t take enough time for reflection, strategizing, creative thinking, and proactive action.
06 I regularly hear “We have always done it this way” and “That’s just the way we do it here” when discussing change at company meetings.
07 Most people in our company get angry and frustrated with the need to do something differently, even if it is for the better.
08 In our company, leaders often justify their decisions using past experience as the main argument For example, “Trust me, I’ve done it a million times” or “We tried it this way already, it will never work.”
09 When we fail, our company often places blame on somebody jon the outside . (competitors, suppliers, government, consumers). In other words, we are blaming the iceberg.
10 In our organization, changes are made by a small group of people. Employees rarely get an opportunity to actively engage in developing and deciding on the new products, processes, and strategies – and learn about decisions at the time of rollout.
11 I have not received any training or instruction for how to start and implement change in our company. I (and most likely many others) am not sure what the procedure is if I want to introduce change.
12 There are significant gaps between what we say about our company’s commitment to change and how we actually work, allocate our resources, spend our time at meetings, award bonuses, etc.
13 In our company, we do not welcome “practice rounds” or experimentations. Instead, we are expected to execute all change perfectly and are punished for mistakes and failures.
14 During the process of change, we rarely stop to celebrate small or short-term wins. We feel demotivated and cannot see the progress we are making.
15 The way our company is organized makes it difficult to react to change quickly. For example, our budgeting process is very bureaucratic, making it hard to introduce change in the middle of the year, or our production and investment decisions lock us into a product for years with no easy way to change.

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